Hypermotard tail tidy and first major service

On auto-pilot I dropped it off at Ducati City at 8:30am and picked it up Saturday at 10am, considering the sweltering 41degree heat outside, I was more than happy to sit that one out and hide inside amongst the air conditioning.


My three jobs: replace tail tidy and indicators, check exhaust leak and complete first major service (check valve timings I believe).

Most importantly was replacing the floppy indicators which had just decided to give way on an Alpine adventure, one at a time. I’d been hanging out to get rid of that tail since day one, it’s quite a big chunk of plastic and just ugly really.


Fortunately I have no photo’s of the electrical tape that was also holding on the number plate on that ride home, I’m sure Steve does, so we’ll just skip straight to the new tidy shall we?

  • Here are the pieces pre-dip.
  • And assembled
  • The a bit of a pre-install, side by side jobby – check out tiny those LED indicators are!
  • Then it was powder coated and installed. Voila!
  • It’s infinitely nicer than the stock plastic one, and a lot smaller (cue terrible photo).


It’s from Joker Machine and was one of the last of its kind I think (not on their website anymore at least), only had silver left in stock when I got it so I had to lean on good ole Wombat to get his brother to powder coat it black for me. Nice one brother of Wombat! The tiny square LED indicators are also from Joker Machine if you are interested. Expensive at a glance but indestructable (hopefully).


Gotta say the tail tidy is tiny. It’s so much smaller than the big chunky stock thing that you can barely see it. Which is a good thing. If you do look closely both it, and the small LED indicators are pretty damn cool pieces of kit I reckon. Bike could’ve been detailed for its first major service though, sheesh….


So that really has tidied up the back a bit. I’ve noticed the indicators both front and rear are now blinking a bit faster than normal. I have read the entire Hypermotard EVO SP 2012 manual back to front and I swear the ability to change the indicator settings has been removed from this model year. Maybe I do need to put in some sort of relay conversion thingamie?

As for the first service, it came and went with no major news or drama. Had to replace an exhaust clamp that was leaking, fork over a bunch of cash and it was done. Until the next 12,000km.


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