Budget blow out and an iPhone holder

So I put in the call to Cupar and spoke to the guys in a friendly but suggestive manner that I deserved a super sweet deal seeing that I almost lost the pipe and potentially caused a massive accident, which went quite well I must say.

But it blew my budget out completely. I am far too embarrassed to even write down by how much so I’ll just have to leave you guessing on that one. I do however have wheels for the next 10 days and a relatively free agenda. So where to?

First thing I had to sort out was a navigation system of sorts. I keep getting completely lost despite by false bravado telling me I know where I am in Scotland.

I found this site in a Ride mag called Ghostbikes and despite our best efforts to express ship me an iPhone mount we just couldn’t do it. My billing address on my credit card needs to be in the UK to process the order.


Turns out I found a better one anyway, possibly the best one on the market and funny is as funny is, a Melbourne company with shipping from Australia and the UK could express it out the next day. Wahoo!

Check it out, it’s called the Quadlock Bike Mount Kit and I grabbed the iPhone 4S version. Just as I type up this blog I realised I ordered the bloody case only instead of the full kit. Gawd I am a knob-head sometimes!


Anyways, I’ll get that sorted. It looks the biz.


The next small issue is that when using GPS the iPhone dies within a very short space of time. So I needed a portable batter charger thingamie and I found this portable charger in a gadget shop called a Ye!!. There site is bloody awful with no Search function (WTF?) and I can’t even see the one I scored which is called a Ye!! Energy Square. Check it out at the gadget shop I bought from instead (Mankind.co.uk).


Great design and fits in a jacket pocket and will give me a full charge in around half hour which is perfect for motorcycling