Ducati Rider Assist – a good reason to buy new

One of the things that leant me towards buying new in the end was the benefit of Warranty, and the bonus of 2 years worth of free Ducati Rider Assist.


Ducati Riders AssistNot much to say here on this topic excpet that it was an unexpected bonus.

While the Ducati warranty and guarente of two years is also good to know and have (it’s also international and is transferrable from one owner to another) a backup plan if you are heading out into the more remote parts of Australia with a piddly 13ltr tank! That tank upgrade from California Cycles is on the cards believe me.

The Ducati Rider Assist program gives riders (in Australia at least) two years of free roadside assist and includes things like puncture repair, running out of fuel and full breakdown support.

Part of that bit that I like the most is the tow to a nearby mechanic and if require accommodation for the night. Not bad at all, and makes it feel like something that really does add value.

Feels particularly good as we head off this week on a long and winding road through Victoria’s country roads and up into New South Wales, so if anything does go wrong I guess I won’t have to worry about getting home.

I’ve programmed the number into my phone and given them a quick call to make sure they have me on file and I’m ready to go. Pity it’s only four days.

Any Duke riders out there ever had any experience with the program? Got any good or bad stories to share?